
VINTAGE trip down Abbot Kinney, Venice, Ca

         The other week I was able to do a little vintage shopping with my friend Jenny Humphrey. We meandered down Abbot Kinney had a little coffee and did a bit of shopping. We got great 1960's psychedelic dress with hope to do an upcoming photo shoot for Coachella. Photo shoot photos to come.


Interrior design inspiration

Since moving to Venice I've been super inspired by my fiance Jeremy. He surfs a lot, every day if he could. So when thinking and dreaming about how to design my home, I took a bunch of inspiration from him. He has a lot of boards, mostly short, but a few long. We wanted to have them in the house. I put up two vertical surf racks and leaned the long boards against the wall. We have shells from beaches we have traveled together and I used fabric from different surf spots we have been. Here are some pics of my home (its a work in progress) and some cool photos I used for inspiration. :)


Source: The Selby